Funding Opportunities

We invite nonprofit organizations of all sizes to review our Requests for Proposals (RFPs). If you have an idea or project that addresses an RFP, we hope you will submit a proposal. To learn more about our grantmaking approach, click here.

Cherry blossom tree close up with people running and walking on trail in the background.

Our next round of RFPs will open on September 18

Open Grantmaking

We highly recommend submitting your proposal through our RFP process, as very limited funding is available outside of RFPs.

Through our Open Application process, we welcome you to share information about your project that advances a specific Foundation objective, if it is an urgent opportunity that would not be possible through a future RFP. Applications submitted through this process are considered on a rolling basis. For more information, you can contact the staff member associated with the relevant Foundation objective or submit an application at any time through our Grants Portal.