Circuit Trails

By 2035, add 75 miles to the Circuit Trails System.

Trails connect people to the outdoors and each other, positively impacting physical and mental health and well-being. They provide an option for non-motorized transportation, and they enhance economic development, making neighborhoods more attractive places to live and work. Trails make life better for the region’s residents.

Greater Philadelphia is home to the Circuit Trails, a regional network of hundreds of miles of multi-use trails that is growing in size each year. One of America’s largest trail networks, the Circuit currently includes more than 411 miles of trails, and the goal is to connect more than 850 miles across urban, suburban, and rural communities in nine counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey by 2040.

Over the past 10 years, our grants have supported the addition of 100 miles of Circuit Trails. We’ve also supported the formation of an active, engaged, and cohesive Circuit Trails Coalition, comprised of nearly 65 nonprofit organizations, foundations and agencies all working together to advance the completion of the network. It is their outreach, education, and advocacy that has led the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) to designate the Circuit Trails as official transportation infrastructure in the region. The Coalition also works to ensure that equity concerns are fully incorporated in trail planning, development, and use.

In order to continue the success of the Circuit Trails, we are focusing on adding additional miles to the trail system.

We recognize that there are many ways that organizations and communities can contribute to the Circuit Trails. We are seeking to support projects and programs that organizations in Philadelphia believe will be most effective in making progress on the objective above.

We measure our progress on this objective via DVRPC’s tracking of Circuit Trail miles added annually.

If you have questions about this objective, please contact: