Prevent homelessness

By 2035, Foundation funded efforts will prevent homelessness for 10,000 families with young children.

For young children to have a better start in life, they need strong foundations, including stable housing.

Today, too many Philadelphians face housing instability—defined as poor-quality housing, overcrowded housing, and homelessness. Housing instability during childhood erodes children’s physical and mental health, contributes to behavioral problems including violence, and creates barriers to learning in school. During the 2022 school year, 8,383 children and youth in Philadelphia experienced homelessness, and of those, 2,782 were children under age six [1]. One in four renters report concerns about their housing conditions due to pests, fire, water damage, and mold [2].

In order to increase the success of children ages 0-8 in Philadelphia, we are focusing on efforts prevent homelessness for families with young children.

We recognize that there are many ways that organizations and communities can contribute to advancing this objective. These efforts may include initiatives that seek to coordinate services, provide direct supports, or help families navigate programs and benefits to keep them in their existing homes or connect them to stable housing. We are seeking to support projects and programs that organizations in Philadelphia believe will be most effective in making progress on the objective above.

We measure progress toward this objective through grantee reporting on the number of families served by funded organizations and the types of services received.


  1. HopePHL, 2023
  2. Community Legal Services, 2022

If you have questions about this objective, please contact: