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The Great Outdoors Plays Critical Role in America

OpEd by Stuart Clarke published in MyChesCo

Media Contact

Rebecca Morley
Director of Communications, William Penn Foundation
[email protected]

Op-Ed by Stuart Clarke, Watershed Protection Program Director, William Penn Foundation

Established by President Clinton in 1998, and continued under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, this celebration of Great Outdoors Month in June recognizes the critical role that nature plays as a foundation for the social, economic, and health benefits to which we all aspire as Americans. Especially in times of change, challenge, and uncertainty, our parks, forests, streams, and wildlife refuges can be unrivaled sources of solace, inspiration, and rejuvenation. This could hardly be more important than it is right now, as we all confront an unprecedented panoply of economic, political, ecological and public health perils. As we struggle to maintain unity and focus in the face of COVID, gun violence, economic instability, climate change, and political disruption, we need to take full advantage of all of our community’s natural resources and assets.

As we celebrate the Great Outdoors here in the Philadelphia region, a particular point of pride – and source of strength – is the Circuit Trails network. 

