Frequently Asked Questions

Our team is here to make the process of applying for funding as simple and straightforward as possible. If after reviewing this FAQ, you have questions about an objective, specific RFP, or the substance of your idea, please contact the program officer listed on the objective or RFP.

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Can I apply to more than one Request for Proposal either in a given cycle or throughout the year?

At this time, there are not limits on the number of RFPs an organization can apply for.

We encourage organizations to look closely at the specific objective being advanced and at the criteria articulated in the RFP. Any organization that is advancing that objective in a way that aligns with the criteria will be fully considered and competitive for funding under that RFP.

Can you explain the Foundation’s rule around not providing support greater than 25% of an organization’s annual budget?

In most cases, the Foundation will not provide more than 25% of an organization’s annual operating budget in order to limit the dependency of the organization on a single source of funding. The percentage of Foundation support is equal to the average annual amount of Foundation payments (from all Foundation grants), adjusted for non-recurring expenses, and divided by an organization’s expenses from their most recently completed audit or financial statement.

For fiscally sponsored organizations, the support calculation will be based on the total expenses for the organization implementing the project (not the expenses for the fiscal sponsor organization).

Does the Foundation include funding for general operating costs as part of a grant?

In order to support operating/indirect/overhead costs associated with a project and to contribute to the ongoing strength of a grantee organization, the Foundation will add up to 25% of the direct project costs funded by the Foundation. The percentage, ranging from 15 to 25 percent, is determined by the Foundation, based on an organization's annual operating expenses. For details about how this is calculated, please refer to the linked application and guidelines on the "How to Apply" page of our website.

What is the geographic focus of the Foundation’s grantmaking?

While all of the Foundation’s funding is very much focused on Philadelphia and the surrounding region, each funding opportunity will define that somewhat differently. Each RFP will define the specific geographic area that is included in any opportunity.

Can you explain the role of fiscal sponsors?

Applicants may use a fiscal sponsor for fiduciary and administrative oversight of a grant. The Fiscal Sponsor becomes the applicant organization. Any fees that may be charged by the fiscal sponsor should be paid out of the indirect/overhead funding that is provided as part of a grant.

The roles for applicants using a fiscal sponsor are defined as follows:

  • Project Lead: the entity that would lead the implementation of the grant-funded work.
  • Fiscal Sponsor: the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that would provide fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to support the Project Lead and grant-funded work.

The Foundation’s grant relationship for the grant-funded work will be directly with the fiscal sponsor organization. The application and all required documentation must be submitted in the fiscal sponsor organization's name. A project lead organization may complete the application on behalf of the fiscal sponsor organization and attach additional grant documentation relevant to its organization. Contacts from the project lead organization will have access to the grant record through the online Grantee Portal. They can be included in any or all communications about the grant.

Other considerations if the funding is awarded to a Fiscal Sponsor for the proposed work:

  • The Foundation will enter a contractual relationship with the fiscal sponsor, not the project lead organization, and the fiscal sponsor will legally be the grantee.
  • A representative who has legal authority to bind the fiscal sponsor must execute the grant award agreement.
  • As the grantee, the fiscal sponsor organization will be responsible for fulfilling all terms and conditions outlined in the grant award agreement, including the reporting requirements and any conditions placed on the grant. Interim and final reports may be submitted by the project lead on behalf of the fiscal sponsor.
  • Payments will be made directly to the fiscal sponsor organization with the expectation that they will be used solely for the purpose outlined in the grant award agreement.