Green spaces are assets in urban neighborhoods, providing a multitude of benefits such as reduced air and noise pollution, improved physical and mental health, and reductions in violent crime. While the body of evidence demonstrating the social, economic, and environmental value of green space in cities is substantial, there is also considerable evidence that all urban communities do not have equitable access to the benefits of nature, and that this inequity is driven by the history and legacy of discrimination.
Initiatives intended to expand and improve green space in neighborhoods that lack these important assets can address this inequity, especially when communities are meaningfully involved in planning and implementation. When investments in green space are made without meaningful community involvement, they can lead to a reduced sense of belonging among long-time residents and an increase in property values, which often results in gentrification and displacement of existing residents and businesses. Community-driven planning processes, which value the expertise of community members and center their needs and interests, can help to deliver green space to neighborhoods while avoiding these potential negative outcomes.
Opportunity Overview
The Foundation would like to support efforts that will enable residents of Philadelphia and Camden to develop a shared vision for green space in their neighborhoods and produce implementable plans to realize that vision. We will only consider proposals that primarily or entirely serve residents living in census tracts that are designated as overburdened and underserved by the Council on Environmental Quality’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. See screeningtool.geoplatform.gov for designated tracts in our region.
We invite proposals for work that will result in completed community greening plans by the end of the grant term. Applicants may seek to initiate and complete plans using the requested grant funds, or they may use requested grant funds to complete plans that have already been initiated. We will not fund implementation of any plans through this RFP; that opportunity will be provided in a future RFP.
We are requesting proposals for one- to two-year projects. After reviewing proposals, WPF will conduct site visits and gather additional information from a limited number of organizations.
Applicants may request support for all aspects of the planning process, which may include but are not limited to outreach and education, communications, research, partnership-building, technical assistance, and community and stakeholder engagement. Community engagement may include small, early action projects/activities that are explicitly intended to spur community buy-in and/or test ideas that would inform the plan.
As this objective supports community-driven planning, we recognize that neighborhoods may have different priorities for their green space and that there are many tactics or approaches that could be used to advance the objective stated above. Improving and expanding green space should be the primary focus of plans funded through this RFP. We welcome proposals for planning processes that explore greening strategies that enhance the sustainability of improved spaces and/or drive positive economic outcomes for communities. All proposals that meet the criteria described below are encouraged.
Organizations that propose projects in partnership with other applicants will be considered on their individual merits. However, the Foundation recognizes that making significant progress on the objective is difficult and encourages organizations to include partnerships that leverage complementary strengths, resources, and expertise to reach proposed goals.
WPF has $2 million available to advance this objective through this RFP. The grant amount requested should be commensurate with the project's contribution to the overall objective. While there is no maximum grant request, requests under $300,000 will be most competitive.
Full Request for Proposals (RFP) and Application
Download the full RFP packet for more information about this opportunity including eligibility, review criteria, learning and evaluation, budget, and link to an application template.
All applications must be submitted through the Grants Portal.
An informational webinar took place on Thursday, December 12, 2024. View the recording below.