Reducing Barriers to Accessing and Completing Workforce Training in Philadelphia

Deadline to Respond:
Review and Download Full RFP

If an application has already been started in response to this RFP, please visit the Concepts and Proposals in Progress section in the Grantee Portal to view and/or continue the application process.

man reading paperwork on table
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Energy


Workforce development practitioners and service providers point to a range of barriers that often prevent individuals from accessing and completing training programs that could lead to higher-paying jobs and economic mobility for themselves and their families. These barriers can include access to childcare and transportation, the inability to forgo income during training, language barriers, and past involvement with the justice system. These barriers can also have an effect on employment retention. Experts suggest that an effective approach to addressing these barriers is for workforce programs to combine paid career training with “wrap-around” supportive services, which are non-training supports such as childcare, transportation, or counselling/coaching that can help job seekers overcome their challenges in finding and maintaining family sustaining employment. 

Opportunity Overview

The William Penn Foundation (WPF) would like to support efforts that expand the effectiveness of high-quality workforce training by reducing the barriers to accessing and completing workforce programs, transitioning to employment, and successfully completing the first year of employment. Through this funding opportunity, WPF seeks to support initiatives and programs that will result in career entry and advancement for populations facing significant barriers (e.g., school-age young people, aged 16-24 who are not in school and not working; returning citizens or individuals with justice system involvement; and immigrants) to achieving economic mobility for themselves and their families. It is important to note that this funding opportunity is not intended to support the creation of new workforce training programs, but rather to provide the additional resources needed to address persistent barriers to securing and retaining employment. Competitive proposals will be able to quantify the projected increase in the number of individuals facing high barriers that will complete training, transition to, and retain employment resulting from WPF’s investment.

We are requesting proposals for two-year projects to reduce workforce training barriers in Philadelphia. After reviewing proposals, WPF will conduct site visits and gather additional information from a limited number of organizations.

All organizations will be considered on their individual merits. However, the Foundation recognizes that making significant progress on the objective is difficult and believes that the most competitive proposals are likely to be those that include robust partnerships that leverage complementary strengths, resources, and expertise. Furthermore, the Foundation recognizes that there are many different tactics or approaches that could be used to advance the objective stated above. All proposals that meet the criteria described below are encouraged.

WPF has $5 million available to advance this objective. There is no minimum or maximum that organizations may request. The grant amount requested should be commensurate with the contribution that the project will make to the overall objective.

Full Request for Proposals (RFP) and Application 

Download the full RFP packet for more information about this opportunity including eligibility, review criteria, learning and evaluation, budget, and link to an application template.

All applications must be submitted through the Grants Portal.


Interested organizations are invited to participate in an optional informational webinar on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 10:00 ET. Following the live webinar, a recording will be posted to this page.

Register for the webinar