William Penn Foundation Announces Request for Inquiries: Family Literacy Initiative

R&D/New Initiatives
Great Learning

William Penn Foundation Announces Request for Inquiries: Family Literacy Initiative

Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Source: William Penn Foundation

William Penn Foundation (WPF) has a long history of investing in programs that support early development and improve school readiness and academic success for children. Recognizing that primary caregivers play an essential role in supporting social, emotional, and academic outcomes for children, WPF seeks to increase opportunities to support adults in their role as their child’s first teacher. The Family Literacy Initiative will increase access to two-generation literacy programming in Philadelphia.

This initiative will help organizations deepen and expand the connections between adult and child literacy programming and improve language and literacy skills and practices for adults and children.

WPF requests Letters of Inquiry for three-year projects that embrace a two-generation approach to engaging children and families in literacy building activities. WPF seeks to fund 5-7 programs in Philadelphia that focus on implementing best practices from the field of family literacy and include explicit programming for adults and children as well as intergenerational literacy activities.

More information about eligibility, project criteria, application process and timeline can be found here.

An informational webinar will be held on June 14 at 3pm ET (RSVP here), and inquiry forms are due June 29.

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